Gig workers and independent contractor status Many workers in the gig economy sign an acknowledgement that the worker is an independent contractor and not an employee. However, sometimes that is not the end of the story. For one thing, courts are increasingly evaluating whether the company exercises sufficient control over […]
Category: Wage Theft & Unpaid Wages
What is a collective action? A collective action is a type of class action that is brought by employees to assert their rights under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), most commonly actions alleging wage and hour claims. By utilizing the collective action process, employees can join together to assert […]
Travel Time Compensation For The Non-Exempt Employee The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to pay overtime to non-exempt employees, for time worked that exceeds the employee’s usual work time in the employee’s field. Generally, hours worked over 40 hours in a week must be compensated at least one […]
Department of Labor sues on behalf of 6,000 workers One local employer just provided a prime example of how far some companies will go to shortchange their employees. Progressive Business Publications, based in Malvern, PA, was sued by the Department of Labor on behalf of 6,000 current and former telemarketing […]
What all tipped employees need to know As most restaurant servers could probably attest, working for tips means getting used to an uncertain income. Some days, you may go home with pockets full of cash, but others … well, not so much. Unfortunately, the potential for uneven pay has another […]