Is a physical or mental impairment making some parts – or even all – of your job more difficult?
Employers who try to “get back” at workers who complain may be violating the law Many workers don’t complain about potentially unlawful activity at work for one simple reason: they’re afraid of what will happen next. Will they get fired? Demoted? Will the boss start breathing down their necks? Will […]
State law is stricter than federal law when it comes to overtime calculations If you work for an employer that has operations in multiple states, it’s wise to pay extra attention to your overtime calculations. Why is that? Because Pennsylvania law differs from federal law in terms of overtime calculations. […]
Lesbian worker says giving her partner a goodbye kiss before work ruined her career For many people, giving their significant other a goodbye kiss is just part of their daily routine. But a lesbian college professor claims that doing so may have ruined her career. She’s suing, alleging that her […]
How the “gig economy” translates to federal labor laws Today’s so-called gig economy seems to be populated by a lot of unintentional freelancers. Are you one of them? Maybe you work 40 hours a week (or more) for one company, yet you’re classified as an independent contractor. But that supposed […]