What the FMLA is, and how it pertains to you When you or a member of your family are suffering due to a medical condition, you shouldn’t have to worry that asking for time off from work might have a negative impact on your job. Unfortunately, many workers request medical […]
How at-will employment can be used to disguise discrimination Can you be fired simply because your boss doesn’t like you? While the concept may seem unfair, it’s not necessarily unlawful. Many states, including Pennsylvania and New Jersey, are at-will employment states. That means that unless a narrow category of exceptions […]
What the law says about medical inquiries What if your boss insisted that your doctor was crazy and demanded that you flush your prescriptions down the toilet? That may sound far-fetched, but one fast-food worker is currently suing her employer over that very thing. The woman, who suffers from bipolar […]
Is a physical or mental impairment making some parts – or even all – of your job more difficult?
Employers who try to “get back” at workers who complain may be violating the law Many workers don’t complain about potentially unlawful activity at work for one simple reason: they’re afraid of what will happen next. Will they get fired? Demoted? Will the boss start breathing down their necks? Will […]